Virtual Organizing
At Utterly Organized we acknowledge the seriousness of COVID, and therefore are offering Virtual Organizing services as an alternative to hands-on organizing sessions. We believe that Virtual Organizing can be just as, or even more effective than in-person organizing.
Virtual Organizing offers shorter and more flexible sessions. Shorter sessions are better for your wallet, they are more manageable and less overwhelming, and they keep you on track towards reaching your goals.
Virtual Organizing also benefits people with tight schedules, and those who need extra accountability. We can be with you every step of the way, or we can give you the reigns and check in frequently for encouragement and direction.
Lastly, Virtual Organizing forces you, the client, to take more responsibility and therefore you are more likely to learn and maintain certain organizing habits and skills because you will have practiced and tried them on your own. This does not mean that you will be alone in the process, but that you will be well versed in action-taking!
Would you like the help of a professional to guide you through the difficult journey of organizing and de-cluttering your home?
Together we can take your home from a ‘Mess’ to the ‘Best’ it has ever looked and felt!
Through virtual one-on-one sessions (Video Chat or Phone Calls) we will keep you on task, engaged, and enjoying the process of organizing your space.
Let’s get you unstuck from procrastination and allow you to reclaim your home, so that you can enjoy your space the way it was meant to be.
You can stop worrying about piles of junk, not being able to find what you’re looking for, and avoid that feeling of the walls closing in on you.
Together we will tackle your troubles and move your mountains, so that your pathways to peace, joy, and success are free and clear!!!